5 reasons Why Should you become a Data Scientist???
Data Science has been hailed as the “sexiest job of 21st Century” by Harvard Business Review. But what makes Data Science so important? Why are Data Scientists some of the highly paid professionals?
And most importantly, why learn Data Science? In this article, we will walk through some of the main reasons as to why Data Science has become the most sought after job in the market.
Glassdoor has ranked Data Science as its topmost profession. What has made Data Science so relevant today? The answer lies in the massive exponential increase of data. Data is the fuel that drives industries.
Big Data has revolutionized companies and has given them an edge in competition. These companies need specialized people who are proficient at handling, managing, analyzing and understanding trends in data.
For example — A company that wants to maximize its sales revenue would hire a Data Scientist to analyze its performance and provide decisions to maximize it.
This has created a pressing need for hiring more Data Scientists. So, why must you learn Data Science?
The answer lies in the fact that there is a huge discrepancy in the demand and supply of Data Scientists. There are more vacant positions than the number of Data Scientists in this world.
Since there is a huge demand, companies pay astronomical figures for these positions. Therefore, you should learn Data Science in order to tap this opportunity and enrich your career.
Why Learn Data Science?
Here are the reasons that will surely convince you to make a career in Data Science
1. A fuel of 21st Century
In the last century, oil was considered as the ‘black gold’. But, with the industrial revolution and the emergence of the automotive industry, oil became the main driving source of human civilization.
However, with time, its value dwindled due to the gradual exhaustion and resorting to alternative renewable sources of energy.
In the 21st century, the new driving force behind industries is Data. As a matter of fact, even automobile industries are using data to impart autonomy and improve the safety of their vehicles. The idea is to create powerful machines that think in the form of data.
Data Science is also the electricity that powers the industries of today. Industries need data to improve their performance, make their business grow and provide better products to their customers.
2. Problem of Demand & Supply
As discussed above, there is a huge abundance of data. However, there aren’t enough resources to convert this data into useful products.
That is, there aren’t enough people who possess the required skills to help companies utilize the potential that data holds. Due to this reason, there is a dearth in the supply of Data Scientists.
Much of this is contributed by the infancy of Data Science as a field. There is a lack of ‘data-literacy’ in the market. In order to fill this vacuum in supply, you need to learn Data Science and its underlying fields.
3. A Lucrative Career
According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a Data Scientist is $117,345/yr. This is above the national average of $44,564. Therefore, a Data Scientist makes 163% more than the national average salary.
This makes Data Science a highly lucrative career choice. It is mainly due to the dearth in Data Scientists resulting in a huge income bubble.
Since Data Science requires a person to be proficient and knowledgeable in several fields like Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science, the learning curve is quite steep. Therefore, the value of a Data Scientist is very high in the market.
4. Data Science can make the World a Better Place
Big Data & Data Science is beyond being a tool of Business Intelligence. Various philanthropic and social organizations are using data to create products for social good. Also, various health-care organizations are using data for helping doctors to have better insights about their patient’s health.
5. Data Science is the Career of Tomorrow
Data Science is the career of the future. Industries are becoming data-driven and new innovations are being made every day. The field of technology has become dynamic and with more and more people interacting with the internet, more data is being generated.
Industries require data-scientists to assist them in making smarter decisions and creating better products. Data perceives as the electricity of modern gadgets and applications. It makes products smart and empowers them with autonomy.
In today’s world, it has become a necessity to possess data-literacy. We must learn how crude data can transform into meaningful products. We must learn the techniques and understand the requirements to analyze and draw insights from the data.
Data holds an untapped potential that must be realized in order to develop useful products. With the advent of machine learning technologies, it is now possible to predict and intelligently classify information. Big Data and Data Science hold the key to the future.
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